Sunday, January 08, 2006

I got a new BLOG

Dear JR (you know who you are),

I know that I will get hammered for this but I had to tell you this:

I got a new blog

Haven't written anything in there as of now 'cos I'm lazy. Writers have their "writers' block" & musicians their "inspiration". Where does that leave us, bloggers?

Go do the maths. When you are done with the calculations, tell me.

Until then, I shall persevere in trying to come up with a good start to it. Meanwhile, I'm going to give you, my friend, a peek.

This 2nd blog of mine, I've decided, shall be music-based. ANYTHING that catches my fancy. It could be reviews of CDs that I bought, instruments' descriptions (like a bass guitar) and/or going to concerts.

I want to do something, other than being an arm-chair admirer of music. Make sense to you?


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